
How to proceed with touchcon 'T-Staking'

TouchCon Team
2 Apr 2022
Views 294


We will guide you on how to proceed with the 'T-Staking' that will be held this time.

Usually, the concept of lending coins and receiving interest is divided into (1) deposit and (2) staking.

Depositing and staking are the same in the concept of lending coins and receiving interest, but they are differentiated according to where the interest comes from.

In the case of deposit, the deposit service provider covers interest through loan or arbitrage transactions, and in staking, interest is covered by the blockchain network.

Therefore, TouchCon 'T-Staking will use the interest allocated from the blockchain network 'reward pool'.

TouchCon staking is conducted on a quarterly (3-month basis) as follows, so we ask for your participation.

1. 2022 Staking Schedule

(1) 1st recruitment date: 2022.04.01~04.10 (10 days)

(2) 2nd recruitment date: 2022.07.01~07.10 (10 days)

(3) 3rd Recruitment Date: 2022.10.01~10.10 (10 days)

2. Minimum Recruitment Unit: 50,000 TOC (1,000 TOC for DApp)

3. Principal and interest payment date

transferred to the account deposited by the 10th of the month following the end date

4. Expected interest rate: around 7%+-

5. Other notes

-The staking schedule implemented by TouchCon Home Governance and the TouchCon DApp staking schedule are the same.

-Withdrawal is difficult during the staking period, and the principal and interest are paid on the cancellation date.

- For staking-related inquiries, please contact us at the email below.

Thank you.

TouchCon Project Team

Ruko Topaz Commercial TCA, Kelurahan Harapan Mulya, Kecamatan Medan Satria, Summarecon Bekasi 17143
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