AMRP is an advertising marketing reward program that collects various compensation programs for activating the TouchCon ecosystem. As a utility coin, the TouchCon sells SQC (Smart QR Code) to the TAA (TOC Advertiser Federation), which generates profits. The TAA purchases the applicable SQC for each company according to the preliminary agreement and pays the fee to the foundation. Those proceeds will be used by the AMRP and will be distributed to a total of four reward parts. The TOC to be mined at the first stage of development will be 60 million annually and will be mined over 10 years.
※Ad Scan Re-mining Supply
Annual Ad Scan quantity = Total Ad Scan Supply(TAS) * 10 years
TAS in 2019= 588 million TOC * 10 year = 58,8 million TOC
Final determined annual flight volume,
2019’~2028’ = per year 60 million. 2028’ Last year 48 million TOC

※AMRP distribution method
1) PoS(Proof of Stake) Type Reward 60%
It is a compensation program that is a type of proof of stake, paying out to TouchCon owners for their contribution to the formation and stabilisation of the ecosystem. A 60% of all AMRP resources will be assigned and fairly distributed.
※PoS Payment Rate(%) = Circulating Supply * Smart QR Code sales volume ※Payment Rate for 2019’ = SQC Mining 60,000,000 TOC * 36,000,000 TOC(60%)
TouchCon Platform Version2.0. Page 41-23
2) PCR(Platform Contributor Reward) 10%
It is a credit program to be paid out when the owner of TouchCon selects and arranges the advertisement agency. A 10 % of all AMRP resources will be assigned and fairly distributed.
※PCR Payment Rate(%) = Total order amount * 5~10%(Compensation Rate) ※Compensation Rate Base -Under a million dollars(5%), 1 million(7%), 10 million(9%), 100 million(10%)
3) SQC DF(SQC Development Fund) 25%
It is used for the costs that will be used for the AMRP every year, the issuing costs of the Smart QR Code, and the cost of developing the 3D Image Smart QR Code. A 25 % of all AMRP resources will be assigned and used.
※SQC DF Payment Rate(%) = Total Ad Revenue * Allocation Ratio(25%)
4) TDP(TouchCon Donation Program) 5%
A 5% of all resources will be used for international community service and dedication. The TDP, which will be assigned at the end of 2019, will be distributed fairly to the U.N. and relief foundation in each country according to the rules of the foundation. The size, method and timing of implementation are determined by Community Voting.
※TDP Rate(%) = Total Ad Revenue * Allocation Ratio(5%)

AMRP는 광고 마케팅 보상 프로그램으로 터치콘 생태계 활성화를 위한 다양한 보상제도를 한 곳으로 모은 프로그램이다.
유틸리티 코인으로서 터치콘은 TAA(터치콘광고주연맹) 에게 SQC(스마트큐알코드)를 판매하여 수익금을 창출하게 되는데,
TAA는 사전 약정에 따라 기업별 해당 SQC를 구입하고 그 대금을 재단에 납부하게 된다.
이 수익금이 AMRP에서 사용할 재원이며 총 4개의 보상 파트로 분배되어 지급된다.
개발 1단계에서 채굴할 TOC는 매년 60 million이며 10년에 걸쳐 채굴된다.
AMRP is an advertising marketing reward program that collects various compensation programs for activating the TouchCon ecosystem. As a utility coin, the TouchCon sells SQC (Smart QR Code) to the TAA (TOC Advertiser Federation), which generates profits. The TAA purchases the applicable SQC for each company according to the preliminary agreement and pays the fee to the foundation. Those proceeds will be used by the AMRP and will be distributed to a total of four reward parts. The TOC to be mined at the first stage of development will be 60 million annually and will be mined over 10 years.
※Ad Scan Re-mining Supply
Annual Ad Scan quantity = Total Ad Scan Supply(TAS) * 10 years
TAS in 2019= 588 million TOC * 10 year = 58,8 million TOC
Final determined annual flight volume,
2019’~2028’ = per year 60 million. 2028’ Last year 48 million TOC
※AMRP distribution method
1) PoS(Proof of Stake) Type Reward 60%
It is a compensation program that is a type of proof of stake, paying out to TouchCon owners for their contribution to the formation and stabilisation of the ecosystem. A 60% of all AMRP resources will be assigned and fairly distributed.
※Payment Rate for 2019’ = SQC Mining 60,000,000 TOC * 36,000,000 TOC(60%)
TouchCon Platform Version2.0. Page 41-23
2) PCR(Platform Contributor Reward) 10%
It is a credit program to be paid out when the owner of TouchCon selects and arranges the advertisement agency. A 10 % of all AMRP resources will be assigned and fairly distributed.
※Compensation Rate Base
-Under a million dollars(5%), 1 million(7%), 10 million(9%), 100 million(10%)
3) SQC DF(SQC Development Fund) 25%
It is used for the costs that will be used for the AMRP every year, the issuing costs of the Smart QR Code, and the cost of developing the 3D Image Smart QR Code. A 25 % of all AMRP resources will be assigned and used.
4) TDP(TouchCon Donation Program) 5%
A 5% of all resources will be used for international community service and dedication. The TDP, which will be assigned at the end of 2019, will be distributed fairly to the U.N. and relief foundation in each country according to the rules of the foundation. The size, method and timing of implementation are determined by Community Voting.
AMRP는 광고 마케팅 보상 프로그램으로 터치콘 생태계 활성화를 위한 다양한 보상제도를 한 곳으로 모은 프로그램이다.
유틸리티 코인으로서 터치콘은 TAA(터치콘광고주연맹) 에게 SQC(스마트큐알코드)를 판매하여 수익금을 창출하게 되는데,
TAA는 사전 약정에 따라 기업별 해당 SQC를 구입하고 그 대금을 재단에 납부하게 된다.
이 수익금이 AMRP에서 사용할 재원이며 총 4개의 보상 파트로 분배되어 지급된다.
개발 1단계에서 채굴할 TOC는 매년 60 million이며 10년에 걸쳐 채굴된다.