
(Notice) CoinGecko Information Site 'Listing'

TouchCon Team
15 Apr 2019
Views 1840

터치콘 TOC

국제정보사이트 CoinGecko에 상장되어 실시간 가격 및 각종 정보를 보다 쉽고 빠르게

조회하실 수 있게 되었습니다.

 CoinGecko: 360° Market Overview of Coins & Cryptocurrencies

CoinGecko is a coin market ranking chart app that ranks digital currencies by developer activity, community, and liquidity. Check out the latest ranking for major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Peercoin, and more.


국제정보사이트 CoinmarketCap처럼

전 세계 암호화폐 정보를

실시간으로 제공하는


터치콘이 국제정보사이트에 상장됨으로서

향후 전세계 암호화폐와 함께

보다 쉽고, 빠르게, 

가격시세 및 기술개발 정보를

실시간으로 파악하실 수 있게 되었습니다.


TouchCon (TOC) is listed on the international information site CoinGecko, so you can see real-time prices and various information more easily and quickly.

CoinGecko is an international information site that provides real-time, world-wide password information like CoinmarketCap, an international information site.

With the TouchCon being listed on the international information site, it will become easier and quicker to understand price quotes and technology development information in real time with the world's passwords.

Thank you.

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