Maintenance notice for SNS reinforcement activities
Hi, TouchCon User!
Our team is planning to implement SNS integration soon.
This is to eliminate unnecessary SNS and to implement SQC ad marketing promptly.
The results will be announced soon.
We are making every effort to develop every touch cone.
Thank you.
2020. 08. 01
TouchCon Team
Ruko Topaz Commercial TCA, Kelurahan Harapan Mulya, Kecamatan Medan Satria, Summarecon Bekasi 17143E-mail: info@touchcon.org@copyright 2021. All Rights Reserved. Cash Boom service operator PT.SIGI
Hi, TouchCon User!
Our team is planning to implement SNS integration soon.
This is to eliminate unnecessary SNS and to implement SQC ad marketing promptly.
The results will be announced soon.
We are making every effort to develop every touch cone.
Thank you.
2020. 08. 01
TouchCon Team