
Homepage language English service system

TouchCon Team
31 Aug 2020
Views 678

Dear TouchCon users.

1. The TouchCon team will provide for the convenience of platform development and prompt information

It has been decided to service the current Foundation homepage in English only.

The implementation date is from September 1, 2020.

2. Accordingly, all content in Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese

It is only provided in English, so please do not make any mistake.

3. This is for the convenience of faster information sharing and delivery.

4. We recommend that users in each country receive help through Google Translate.

Thank you.

2020. 08. 31

TouchCon Team

Ruko Topaz Commercial TCA, Kelurahan Harapan Mulya, Kecamatan Medan Satria, Summarecon Bekasi 17143
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